Finally, all your digital marketing education in one convenient place.

Discover the fastest way to educate yourself on digital marketing so that you can stabilize and grow your business in any economy.
Featured Courses

Facebook Lead Generation
Generate Unlimited Leads Without A Website
One Of The Fastest Ways To Generate Leads Without Any Special Use Of A Website Is Using The Native Facebook Lead Ad Objective. You Can Implement These Strategies Immediately And Start Bringing In A New Flow Of Business In Less Than 24 Hours. No More Excuses

Bot Building 101
The Greatest Opportunity At Your Fingertips
Chat Marketing & Bots Has Brought In Millions Of Leads And Dollars For AGM & Our Clients. This Is No Opportunity To Look Over As It Has Singlehandedly Changed The Entire Marketing Landscape. This Skill Alone Can Be The Factor That Changes It All For You And Your Business. Will You Ride The Wave?

Social Media Branding
Create A Winning Brand That Captures Attention
With a timeline full of distractions and competitors it can be hard to stand out, unless you position yourself the right way. Have you ever wondered how you could get noticed and actually become a brand people remember, like and trust? Learn how to capture the most precious online commodity...Attention.

Facebook Targeting Foundations
Learn To Target The Perfect Audience
Targeting Your Ideal Audience Is What Can Make Or Break Your Entire Campaign On Facebook. So Knowing How To Find That Audience And Target Them Correctly Requires Some Important Foundations Covered In This Course. Learn How To Target Effectively And Find Your Perfect Audience.

Pixel Tracking Setup
Track Your Audiences Every Step.
Ever had an advertisement follow you around online? Although it may seem like "magic" or a coincidence, we can assure you the only magic that it brings are the results that follow it. Learn how to track and scale your audience to drive more sales and scale your winning campaigns using the data collected!

Shopify Sales Multiplier
Two Sales Are Better Than One.
The ability to squeeze multiple sales out of one transaction on Spotify isn't as difficult as it sounds. In fact once you set up these apps and strategies, they pretty much run on their own. Increase conversions and the amount of those conversions with the Shopify Sales Multiplier Course.

Epic Contest Creation
10K to 220K Subscribers With No Adspend
The creativity and systems set up in this epic strategy can literally catapult your subscribers in no time. If you're looking for a way to grow faster and generate a multitude of leads in your business, this 3 hour Masterclass pulls back the curtain on how Manuel was able to generate over 100,000+ subscribers with no ad-spend.

E-Comm Essentials
Proven Strategies To Make More Sales
Go behind the scenes with Manuel as he shares the exact system that we're successfully implemented on several e-commerce brands. He’ll show you how to find winning campaigns, as well as the losers that bleed your business dry. Increase your traffic, sales, and overall brand awareness without having to worry about what works.

Audience Building Fundamentals
A Customer Journey That Brings Them To You
The world of retargeting & audience building is a skillset that is a complete game changer. Cover what to do with audiences and how to communicate with them at the different stages of the customer journey. This is essential to your success as a social media brand. Don't just build your audience, give them what they need to keep coming back.

Profitable Campaign Structure
Build Winning Campaigns From Scratch
Goal setting doesn't stop with your business plan. This concept also needs to be applied to your campaigns. In order to achieve results online you must build with the end in mind, and it starts by how you build your campaigns.

Social Media Foundations
Getting the right balance of posts that will appeal to your audience and not have them rolling their eyes, while at the same time trying new things without sacrificing everything in order to succeed.