Welcome to the FREE Facebook Marketing Mini-Courses.

A series of four FREE mini-courses designed to create a proficient Facebook marketer. One who knows how the Facebook marketing platform works, can use it to increase sales and branding, and take their business to the next level.


The Facebook Marketing Mini-Courses are your big step up and out.

With almost 4 hours of content, they're designed to give you FREEDOM.

FREEDOM from the constraints of expensive marketing and ads you can't see the effectiveness of.

FREEDOM from a 9-5 job you're forced to keep, all because you can't get that online business to take off the way it should.

FREEDOM from the constraints of an Amazon account you can't control. 

These courses were created by Manuel Suarez to help anyone, any brand — big or small — to learn the basics of the Facebook Marketing platform, and take control of their future. 

And it's completely FREE. No catch.

Don't be a leaf blowing in the wind. Do the Facebook Marketing Mini-Course and find out what you've been missing.



Simple Facebook Ads Training that Works

What if you could use Facebook’s platform to get YOUR message in front of the people you KNOW would be interested in your product?


How To Become a Marketing Phenomenon

You have two options when using Facebook to advertise: You can use Facebook’s Business Manager, with more ninja tactics and gadgets than 


Facebook Ads that get REAL RESULTS NOW

Here I tell you about Facebook’s Ads Manager, the golden child of social media marketing. If you want to create ads that reach people,


How to Advertise Like a Billion Dollar Company

You know the datum: You have to get your ad in front of potential customers at least seven times for it to sink in, right? But how to do that...



"I love nothing more than being able to provide information to others and watch them achieve their business and life goals."

Many years ago, having already grown an eight figure business on Amazon, Manuel was forced to study the emerging field of Social Media Marketing in an effort to take things to the next level.

This quickly became an obsession, with Manuel diving deep into the intricacies of the Facebook, Instagram and Messenger family of platforms. From this sprung an agency and then, to meet demand for his services, the maiden launch of his Facebook Masters Course to over two hundred students and rave reviews.



"If you have a chance to learn from Manuel ā€” I would jump on it."

"We get 100k subscribers every 28 days, 12 million new views every 28 days, 130 million total views. Iā€™m going to put him in every nook and cranny of my marketing division."


"Manuel is, hands down, a genius at Facebook... Our stats have been in affluence week after week. We range between 7-10x ROI on Facebook. My Messenger marketing is blowing up and he has helped me design funnels so cutting edge that I don’t think anyone is doing it

"My Amazon account, he’s taken over that and it's screaming affluence week after week, he uses Facebook strategies to build Amazon. He really knows how to do the social media game like no one else... He’s pure gold."

Dr. Eric Berg is the leading Keto and Intermittent Fasting expert today, with millions of followers around the world benefiting from his videos and content. 



Hear it straight from the students of the Facebook Masters Course, a 12 Module, 38 hour deep dive into the nooks and crannies of the most powerful marketing platform in existence today.

"So I signed up for his course and I have been blown away...
"The difference that this course has made to my business has been phenomenal, he is extremely detailed and specific. The content has been the best I have seen in any course that I have been on, whether that be for social media or any other business course...
"... and it just keeps getting better and better."
"Manuel Suarez understands how exactly Facebook works, with all the available features. Knowing how a machine works is one thing, but using the machine to maximize it's capabilities to scale is really another level, and Manuel has the wisdom and skill to do that....
"If you are serious about bringing your business to the next level, Manuel Suarez is one person you really want to learn from."
"... And just by using some of the tactics that he shared... I saw some amazing results... So when I saw he launched Facebook Masters I jumped in wholeheartedly and I have no regrets...
"Manuel covers everything. I was able to implement and do exactly what Manuel says and to great success... This stuff really works and Manuel will constantly over deliver.
"I highly encourage you, with my highest endorsement, to give this a shot."



Why use Facebook Advertising?

Because Facebook advertising can produce results no other platform can, at costs none can match.

How? Because of what they know.

Facebook knows what pages you like and what you ignore. They know what you comment on and share, and what you barely glance at.

They know your age, where you work, where you have worked, your education, and where you are geographically.

They know your interests, what kind of movies you watch, the music you listen to, TV shows, hobbies, and the products you buy. They even know how likely you are to click on an ad, watch a video or send a message to a page.

And they got this information directly from you. That’s how they determine which ads to put in front of you and which ones not to.

Of course this is with your agreement, you can delete the cookies they store for you, but most people don’t as it’s not a problem.

But what if YOU could use all this knowledge Facebook gathered, to get YOUR message in front of the people you KNOW would be interested in your product? And for less than any other platform could offer?

You CAN.

With the Facebook Marketing Mini-Courses.

This 3 1/2 hour series of Mini-Courses leads you step-by-step through the basics of the Facebook marketing platform.

From its powerful algorithm, to the philosophy behind how it works and how to use it, on to an overview and walk through of Facebook’s Business Manager for full understanding and use, and through to the creation of real, specifically targeted and effective ads.

And finally... to the sword of fire itself: Re-Targeting.

If you haven’t checked this course out yet, you really need to.

It has real, well-studied, well–used information to help you really take off, from one of the only Facebook certified marketers on the planet, who has been deep in the trenches of this world for years, blowing up his own brands and those of his clients.

And... it’s completely FREE. No catch. FREE. Really... FREE. Pretty much a win-win scenario.

I promise you, you won’t regret it.




You have two options when using Facebook to advertise:

You can use Facebook’s Business Manager, with more ninja tactics and gadgets than Batman ever had, to find and target your exact audience by interests or behaviors, by the type of action they’re likely to take when seeing your ad, you can optimize for traffic or views, or engagement, or clicks, or sales, etc, etc, etc, etc… It literally goes on and on.

… Or you can take your Facebook post and press that button that says BOOST and… it will be shown to some people… somewhere… who knows who.

This is the button that led some people to believe Facebook Ads didn’t work.

You see, the Facebook Business Manager is where you will run all of your campaigns, connect your pages, allow or disallow access to others, look through your analytics, etc. It will even help you determine your strategy with Facebook Ads.

From the Facebook Objectives: What is the funnel you will use to bring about awareness, get people to consider your brand, and finally achieve a conversion: a sale, a lead, etc? It will help you find that.

And what is the best ad or ads you can run to achieve those exact things? It will help you with next gen split-testing.

How do you use Facebook’s information to find the exact people who are most likely to be interested in what you are offering?

And even more… How do you make it so Facebook starts learning more and more about that audience so your ads do better as time goes on?

How do you track visitors to your website so you can Re-Target them with ads later, bringing them back?

How can you connect your catalog of products to Facebook so Facebook can target people they know would be interested in your products.

Did you know you can even make a Lookalike Audience based on your email list? With Facebook helping to find others with similar traits and interests to advertise to?

It goes on and on. Because Facebook’s Business Manager is where it’s at.

An lastly, how can YOU learn to use it?

With the Facebook Marketing Mini-Courses.

This 3 1/2 hour series of Mini-Courses leads you step-by-step through the basics of the Facebook marketing platform.

From its powerful algorithm, to the philosophy behind how it works and how to use it, on to an overview and walk through of Facebook’s Business Manager for full understanding and use, and through to the creation of real, specifically targeted and effective ads.

And finally... to the sword of fire itself: Re-Targeting.

If you haven’t checked this course out yet, you really need to.

It has real, well-studied, well–used information to help you really take off, from one of the only Facebook certified marketers on the planet, who has been deep in the trenches of this world for years, blowing up his own brands and those of his clients.

And... it’s completely FREE. No catch. FREE. Really... FREE. Pretty much a win-win scenario.

I promise you, you won’t regret it.




Facebook’s Ads Manager is the golden child of social media marketing.

If you want to create ads that reach people, that capture their attention, that convert, ads that bring constant traffic and save that traffic for re-targeting, ads based on gender, age, location, interests, past purchases, etc, etc, etc…. then the Ads Manager is your go to place.

This is your Command Central, your armory and your strategy room all rolled into one awesome Bat Cave of an app.

But with such an array of tools, how do you know what to use and when, or even how? How do you make sure you’re taking advantage of this powerful software to its fullest for the best return on the lowest budget?

I’ll show you. I’ll even walk you through creating an Ad Campaign.

With the Facebook Marketing Mini-Courses.

This 3 1/2 hour series of Mini-Courses leads you step-by-step through the basics of the Facebook marketing platform.

From its powerful algorithm, to the philosophy behind how it works and how to use it, on to an overview and walk through of Facebook’s Business Manager for full understanding and use, and through to the creation of real, specifically targeted and effective ads.

And finally... to the sword of fire itself: Re-Targeting.

If you haven’t checked this course out yet, you really need to.

It has real, well-studied, well–used information to help you really take off, from one of the only Facebook certified marketers on the planet, who has been deep in the trenches of this world for years, blowing up his own brands and those of his clients.

And... it’s completely FREE. No catch. FREE. Really... FREE. Pretty much a win-win scenario.

I promise you, you won’t regret it.




You know the datum: You have to get your ad in front of potential customers at least seven times for it to sink in, right?

It’s a cool datum. But how do you do it without breaking the bank?

Well, the big guys pour tons of money into TV and radio commercials, news print and magazines.

That way, so many people see it that the customer the ad is actually aimed at is bound to see it too.

Then they see it again, in a magazine. They hear it on the radio, see it on TV, newspaper, radio, magazine, TV, radio, etc, etc., etc…

But that’s millions of dollars of advertising being spent… and most of it wasted on the wrong audience.

So, how can YOU reach like THEM, without spending like them, without wasting money on the wrong audience, and, more specifically, while targeting the exact audience you need?

By RE-TARGETING through Facebook Ads.

If you’re not doing this you’re wasting money on the wrong ads and losing money that could be coming in.


Here’s one example: Did you know you can run an ad with a specific video, and then see how many people watched it?

And, even more, see what percentage of the video people watched? From 25%, 50%, 75% and 95%?

That’s pretty neat.

But what if I told you that, without having the emails of those people who watched your video, or various percentages of your video, you can still retarget ads to them specifically? And as many times as you want, offering new content to those who only showed some interest (watched 25% of the video), or new offers to those who showed more interest (watched 75% of the video).

Or just keep sending that same bucket of people more content, while continuing to add to that bucket, thus building loyal followers for your brand, and a large bucket of people you can continue to advertise to, who are now familiar with your product after seeing it 7 times or more.

Wouldn’t that be nice if you could do that?

You can. And at a much lower cost than the big guys do but to the same result.

And that’s just one little example of the RE-TARGETING you can do on Facebook. There are so many ways.

How do you learn them?

With the Facebook Marketing Mini-Courses.

This 3 1/2 hour series of Mini-Courses leads you step-by-step through the basics of the Facebook marketing platform.

From its powerful algorithm, to the philosophy behind how it works and how to use it, on to an overview and walk through of Facebook’s Business Manager for full understanding and use, and through to the creation of real, specifically targeted and effective ads.

And finally... to the sword of fire itself: Re-Targeting.

If you haven’t checked this course out yet, you really need to.

It has real, well-studied, well–used information to help you really take off, from one of the only Facebook certified marketers on the planet, who has been deep in the trenches of this world for years, blowing up his own brands and those of his clients.

And... it’s completely FREE. No catch. FREE. Really... FREE. Pretty much a win-win scenario.

I promise you, you won’t regret it.



You won't regret it. And besides... It's FREE.

And with new Mini-Courses being added regularly, covering a variety of subjects in Facebook marketing, it'll be a while before you run out of things to learn and implement.

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(Your privacy is important to us. Therefore we promise to never share your personal information with any other person or company, whether affiliated with us or not.)



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